April 26, 2022

5 Questions With — Brett Snowball [Designer]

How did you direst realize you were creative?
I first realized my creativity when I was in grade 5 or 6. I would recreate all my favourite skateboard logos and board graphics while in class. I spent more time on those illustrations than paying attention!

A person you idolized creativity early on?
Without knowing it, Steve Rocco & Mark McKee from Big Brother Magazine and World Industries.

A visual artist or musician you admire?
Chris Ashworth, former designer at Raygun Magazine has the most incredible typography style. Musically it would be Liam Gallagher from Oasis because of his attitude towards rock & roll. He’s an absolute lad.

A book, TV show, or podcast you recently found inspiring?
The Creative Codex episode on Carl Jung’s Red Book.

Favourite creative project you’ve worked on?
Teaching children in Prince George (BC) about spatial design with my former university professor, John Bondoc. It was the most rewarding week of my life.